The consequences for committing theft can vary widely based on the severity of the theft offense. Florida has relatively harsh laws regarding theft, and prosecutors are known for being aggressive when they pursue these types of cases. It can be helpful to work with a Marco Island theft lawyer. They can navigate your theft case and make sure you have a fair chance of achieving a positive outcome in court.
At the Law Office of Donald P. Day we are dedicated to getting your case dismissed when possible and mitigating possible penalties when a conviction can’t be avoided.
The types of theft in Marco Island, Florida include petit theft, grand theft, and retail theft. They each have their own penalties, depending on their severity.
The lowest theft offense in Florida is petit theft, otherwise known as petty theft. This level of theft is typically a misdemeanor, with penalties including jail time and a fine.
Grand theft is a felony crime in the state of Florida and can have serious consequences for the offender if there is a conviction.
Shoplifting is classified under the general penalties of theft but has some specific criminal and civil penalties. Shoplifters who are repeat offenders can be ordered by the court to pay between $50 and $1,000 in fines or do community service. Using an anti-shoplifting device is a third-degree felony.
In terms of civil penalties, someone who engages in theft may have to pay the victim three times the value of the damages or $200, depending on which is the greater amount. They may also have to repay the victim for any fees that went toward a lawyer or court.
Charges and penalties for all types of theft can be influenced by other factors, too, which can change the strategy your attorney may use to defend you. For example, you can expect harsher penalties if you have a criminal history or caused damage to property. Committing theft during a declared state of emergency or a riot can also trigger higher charges.
Any aggravating factors could influence the severity of the punishment, such as burglary or robbery, which could be a violent crime if it includes an assault. Collier County is in the first quartile for robbery in Florida, which means there are more robberies in approximately three-quarters of other Florida counties. That said, in 2024, the Marco Island Police Department received 71 reports of theft in Marco Island, with five in December alone.
It’s important to understand the severity of your charges so you know how to defend yourself in court. A Marco Island theft lawyer can guide you and build a defense to secure a fair outcome in court.
Theft can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony, but the penalties can be life-altering, regardless of how you are charged. It can be highly beneficial to work with a Marco Island theft lawyer to build a strong defense on your behalf. A skilled attorney can defend you against theft charges with the following strategies:
For any charges involving theft, hire a criminal defense lawyer who knows which defenses could benefit your case. An attorney can work to negotiate a plea deal, get your charges reduced or dropped, and defend you in court.
A: According to Florida statutes, someone commits theft if they knowingly take, use, or attempt to take or use another person’s property for themselves or someone else. Intending to deny a person the right to their property is also theft. The penalties for theft can vary based on the type of theft committed and if there are any aggravating factors.
A: Theft can qualify as either a felony or a misdemeanor in Florida. Classifying the offense as one or the other depends on a few factors of the case, including how many times the offender has committed theft in the past and what kind of theft was committed. Petit theft is usually classified as a misdemeanor, while grand theft is classified as a felony.
A: It is entirely possible for a shoplifter to receive jail time in Florida, even if it is their first offense. Petit theft carries the lowest jail sentence of up to 60 days for stealing things that have less than a $100 value. The amount of jail time one receives for a first-time theft is based on the specifics of their case and the ability of their attorney to advocate on their behalf.
A: The statute of limitations for theft depends on how severe the theft offense was. In Florida, misdemeanors in the first degree have a statute of limitations of two years, while misdemeanors in the second degree have a statute of limitations of one year. Felony theft offenses in the first degree typically have a statute of limitations of four years, while second and third-degree felony offenses have one of three years.
A: House Bill 549, which was passed in 2024, enacted several new Florida theft rules. This new law:
A: Along with the rest of Florida, the threshold for felony theft, or grand theft, in Marco Island is $750. If you steal between $750 to $19,999, you can be charged with a third-degree felony. Furthermore, theft of between $20,000 and $99,999 is a second-degree felony, while any amount over $100,000 is a first-degree offense.
A: Beating a grand theft charge can be challenging, but it is possible. Some possible avenues your attorney can explore to defend you against your charge involve:
A: If you want to successfully fight a petty theft charge, working with a Marco Island theft lawyer can give you a big advantage. One of the most common methods for getting these charges dismissed is through a pre-trial intervention program, also known as a diversion program. Alternatively, you could beat your charges by negotiating a plea bargain or building a strong enough defense that effectively challenges the prosecution.
If you or someone you know has been charged with theft, you’ll want a skilled lawyer on your side. Contact the Law Office of Donald P. Day for legal assistance. With a combined 45 years of experience handling criminal cases, our team has the skill set and the knowledge to confidently serve you.